The first step to developing a website when working with a turnkey software provider is to create some guidelines or an outline of some sort with all of the technical requirements. There needs to be an agreement between you and the provider on the technology. The technology and functions of the necessary applications that you want to include are the driving forces of the site. This outline should also include the programming languages required to update the site.
The next step is to determine the website requirements and draft an outline. The website’s requirements will include design concepts, e-commerce components, and finally the content which should be given to the entire team.
Any large scale project should always have timelines as well as checkpoints. The project should have a very specific timeline for the most optimal implementation. Along the way, there should be set checkpoints to ensure that the project will be completed at the projected date and to stay on task. This timeline should be given to all of the key players involved with the project. This will greatly affect the development of the site.
It is important to determine the roles and responsibilities of each person working on the project. This will better assist you with figuring out all of your needs before actually beginning the project. Specifically look at the various tasks of the project and assign who will implement each of those tasks. A team member from your software provider as well as an individual from your company should be primary contacts and build a business relationship throughout the project. These are the individuals who should have the ability to make decisions and execute any changes or updates.
A site maintenance plan also needs to be developed and a budget should be accounted for. This plan will include a timeline for how frequently the site should be updated along with who will make the necessary changes or updates. Your turnkey software provider will provide you with the maintenance procedures in order to assist you.
Once this is all determined, you will need to sign a contract. While the contract is being developed, it is important to write down any projected costs, terms of the agreement, and exactly which services are to be provided. It is extremely important to read the terms and conditions of use in the contract when signing in order to make sure you have not skipped anything. If there is a misunderstanding, you are unsure about any part of the contract, or you just have a problem with the contract in general, contact a representative from the provider to better assist you with the contract and it is a good idea to record the comments that the individual makes about the contract.
The final step is going through the approval process. When working with a turnkey software provider, it is important to determine how changes in the contract will be made and implemented. Also, determine who is responsible for updating any project documents. When working with a turnkey software provider, it is key to plan ahead and make outlines. Set a plan and implement it!