PHP Data Objects: Point Version for iScripts MultiCart
iScripts has released a new point version for the world class ecommerce portal iScripts MultiCart 3.1.3, now equipped with PDO integration.
This means the new software will work flawlessly on PHP version 7.0 and lower versions.
The PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface for accessing databases in PHP. Each database driver that implements the PDO interface can expose database-specific features such as regular extension functions, by using a database-specific PDO driver to access a database server.
PDO provides a data-access abstraction layer. It means, regardless of which database you’re using, you use the same functions to issue queries and fetch data.
iScripts Multicart is a multi-seller marketplace software for entreprenuers which is a similar eCommerce marketplace like Etsy or Amazon.
- PDO integration – multi-vendor shopping cart software will now work flawlessly on PHP 7.0 and lower versions
- Bug fixes and enhancements related to improved design and intuitive functionality
Mobile App of iScripts MultiCart
Multicart Mobile App is available for both sellers and buyers. Customers can easily choose a product from the buyer app. The site also provides a way for users to purchase items as well. Using Seller Application the sellers can quickly and easily update their stock and available products online. This will enables the buyers to view, browse or purchase your products.
Now, anyone can build and grow an online marketplace. Make sure that vendors and customers have mobile access. Mobile apps helps to take a snap of products and upload in website more easily. This app makes your site perfect for, on the go use, something your buyers expect, and your sellers will surely appreciate. So planning to create online marketplaces? do you know How to Use a Multi-Store Shopping Cart Software to Create Marketplaces?
iScripts MultiCart Seller Android and IOS App
In iScripts MultiCart Android/ IOS Seller app, the sellers can upload products from any place at any time. The products added by the sellers will be listed in stock and displayed to buyers.
Choose a software and add using our team of programmers. Create your own ecommerce marketplace according to your needs and specifications. You can enable or disable the features according to the requirements. We are able to make any changes or modifications in the script or website design as per your thoughts, lim,itations and fixed budget.
Previous customers of ours have created an array of creative and effective sites using this popular script. As one of the most popular shopping carts in 2016, iScripts MultiCart has a portfolio of clients which you can see here.
The software includes everything you need to launch an online shopping mall comprised of multiple sellers and products. From artists, bloggers and work at home moms, to small shops, government agencies and local communities, the software has been adopted by a range of entrepreneurs and businesses in order to launch a successful site.
For more information about the new and improved MultiCart platform, contact us at (312) 423-6728 or email to We’d be happy to help you understand the product and what it can do for your business.