Bartering systems are a simplified version of exchanging goods or services without using money or currency.
In fact, it is the oldest method of exchanging items of value in history. You must have probably heard of or even participated in bartering before. Remember back in school kids used to swap pencils for erasers, snacks for a drink, sweets for friendship and so on?
Even this old system still exists in modern days and among those of all age groups. In this present era, we now have barter network systems established worldwide with the use of online swapping or bartering scripts/ software. See some examples of online barter system.
How does Bartering work?

The barter system is based on the concept of “mutual exchange”. In order to make this basic barter system work effectively, the individual participants in the exchange process should be equally interested in each other’s goods. This ensures mutual satisfaction and matching goods appropriately considering perceived value.
Even though it used to be quite common, now it is very unlikely to come across those using the bartering system while walking through the street or market.
It comes as no surprise that we still expect to complete payments using payment apps, credit/ debit cards, bitcoins, cash or cheque which is typically the case in our day to day living, but the technology still has it’s space for bartering, as the interactions between the users have increased online.
Online websites created for swapping has made bartering more advanced than was expected in the first place.
Let us see how an online barter system actually works and how to use it effectively.
Online Barter Business Model
The first step towards online bartering is to find the best marketplace for exchanging the items and it gets easy with the modern-day marketplaces that can be found easily online. There is now an increased possibility for bartering activities with technological advancements.
The availability of the item we are looking for as well as the people who are looking for our item will be greater on online platforms compared to that of the local regional markets hence the online options are the better bargain for you in the matter of extensive possibilities.
In the early days, exchanging goods didn’t have tracking codes or receipts. That’s a whole different story today. Now online systems can easily keep track of our exchanges so it’s pretty easy to sort items – and even other members – when we look for any past exchanges in the future. To maintain proper track of the activities, users must have to register on the website.
It could be free or paid, as it really depends on the website administrator’s choice. The majority of these bartering websites amounting to up to 90% will be free of cost from the registration. Instead, the site administrator will cut a portion out or share a commission with those selling goods in order to effectively provide the right online platform for both users and sellers.
Ready to search for items? After becoming an active member on the site, you can look at items and browse those that interest you. When you find an item of interest, you can proceed in numerous ways.
- The owner can either accept or reject your bartering request. If he/she accepts, then you both can agree to exchange your own items or him/she can exchange items for your points.
- If rejected, you can choose to bargain with points, which is considered virtual cash you keep in the system.
Once the exchange deal is settled between both the parties, the bartering request will be proceeded. The admin plays an important role here, if the exchange is with the item, the admin must make sure the item given and received is perfectly succeeded in order to avoid fraud exchanges.

Planning to Create an Online Bartering System?
The iScripts online bartering system is a unique system that will allow you to create your own barter exchange network website where users can easily buy, sell and swap their own items. If you are new to the online selling business, first learn the basics of online selling.
The software contains all the most wanted and sought after features and functionality necessary for you to launch a professional barter exchange network website, similar to or
The iScripts eSwap is a bartering system designed for you to make online swapping websites and apps. We’ve had numerous clients create their own bartering websites using the open-source script for iScripts. We made sure to include features common on all the best bartering websites.

Check out iScripts eSwap demo