Mobile applications are the productive online business tool of the current digitalized world where users can easily access from anywhere at any time.
Tablets and smartphones have made everlasting changes for mobile platforms, by changing the trend of managing online businesses in a global market. Within a few taps on a mobile device, entrepreneurs can enhance online business popularity and growth worldwide.
If you think that mobile apps are only made effective for big brands, then you are totally wrong! More and more small and medium-sized businesses are following the mobile trend, understanding that an effective mobile strategy involves.
The rise in mobile-phone usage means that mobile apps have become a key marketing tool for companies of all sizes, including small and large businesses. Mobile apps increase engagement with customers by boosting repeat visits and permit a wide variety of online transactions. This includes the deployment of loyalty cards, push promotions, and e-commerce transactions.
- It provides more value to your customers
- It can help you to build a stronger brand for your existing business
- Helps to connect better with customers
- Boost profits
- Stand out from the competition
Many small-business owners still think that getting an app is expensive and difficult. They are worried about the need to build different apps for various platforms when customers are mostly on iOS or Android. They are unsure about building dynamic or static apps, and the difficulty of coming up with an app design.
Moreover, most small-business owners don’t have the expertise to build apps themselves. This is where you require a script that can deliver a complete package to build your online business, including a complete web and mobile application. There are very few scripts which offer this complete package – one is iScripts.
Now most of the scripts which iScripts produce mainly focus on web and mobile applications as well. Here are some of the most common iScripts software which comes with a high end featured mobile applications.
Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart – iScripts MultiCart
iScripts Multicart is a multi vendor shopping cart software, that allows you to create your own ecommerce marketplace platform with multiple vendors. This software is similar to Etsy and Amazon. This mobile app is available for both buyers and sellers. The buyers can easily choose products made available by the sellers. Check the available Online Community Websites.
On-Demand Service Platform – iScripts UberforX
This on-demand marketplace platform gives you the chance to run Uber-like services for various industries. The industries also includes medical, automobile, taxis and more.
Online Restaurant Delivery Software – iScripts NetMenus
iScripts NetMenus is an online multi-restaurant ordering system that really delivers. It will help you to create a food ordering platform which helps your users to complete the orders, delivery and accept reservations for restaurants.
Swapping Software – iScripts eSwapiScripts eSwap allows you to create your own swap meet website. Here users can easily and quickly buy, sell and swap any products. The software contains all features and functionality similar to Swap or U-Exchange. As an addon mobile application to this battering software, it helps customers to easily and quickly make a sale or swap, the products they are looking for. Currently, iScripts eSwap comes with a powerful Android application.
For better clarification you can check the examples of online barter using iScripts eSwap
To wrap it up, A smart use of custom mobile apps can help small businesses gain positive publicity, offer better services, generate customer interest, improve customer relations, and build a strong brand image. Not all small businesses need to develop customer-facing mobile apps but developing customized apps can bring a good return on investment and help your businesses set themselves apart from the competition.
If you have any idea of your own, we can help you to create it. Call us at (312) 423-6728 with any questions you may have. We are happy to explain about our software working. We also offer custom development of web and mobile apps at a reasonable rate.