- Unlimited forums and categories, allowing for maximum exposure for your site!
- Unlimited number of members so you can grow to be one of the most popular forums on the net!
- Easy member registration attracting more members
- Powerful search facility - find posts and threads quickly for quick organization capability!
- Fully configurable, categorizing your forums into appropriate categories.
- Simple and quick installation process.
- Easy theme selection to fit your site.
- Easy HTML editor for posting messages (allows bolding/italics/underlining etc.) so that you can get the exact style that you want.
- Moderator capability (can be used to monitor and prevent unwanted msgs) and create an inviting atmosphere for your visitors.
- Unlimited Message capability so that your users can easily interact with each other and build a lasting community.
- Smiley Manager so that users can express emotions when interacting.
- Ranks for the topics that your users care about.
- User Titles for site optimization.
- Displays the number of online members and guests so that users know who’s on.
- View user profiles (total visits/total posts/last visits/etc.) for record and research purposes.
- View total posts/total threads/etc. to know exactly how popular your forum really is.
- Create "Sticky" threads for the topics that you want your users to talk about.
- Avatar support for a more interactive user experience.
- List forum members so that users can interact with those who have similar interests.
- User Timeout to avoid confusion.
- Upload a custom logo for your forum header in order to brand your forum and integrate it into your site.
- IP address banning to keep spammers off the site.