iScripts SonicBB is targeted for individuals or businesses who wish to build a community for a common topic or theme. Features such as unlimited forums and categories, unlimited numbers of members, unlimited messaging capabilities, ranks for topics, and easy member registration will help you to grow an engaging community. These features included in the software are crucial to creating an online community.
With iScripts SonicBB, you can either integrate the software with an existing site to create discussions as well as more connectivity to your own site or you can create a community from scratch. This software is extremely versatile and can assist any business. For example, if you currently have a website that promotes your music production business and want to create noteworthy discussions amongst your customers this would be a great tool. You can really narrow in on your target market as well and create a niche forum. If you do not currently have a website and you would like to create a community for single parents to discuss their parenting methods you can grow a whole community of single parents. There are so many options with iScripts SonicBB.
The fully customizable software, iScripts SonicBB can be hosted on your site and can be integrated into your existing website. Be sure to choose a theme for your community in order to build interest and engage your audience.You can also create electronic surveys with unlimited question-and-answer methods for data collection, analysis and reporting.
Through the use of IScripts SonicBB, PHP forum software and online community software, you can either develop a new community website or integrate the forum with an existing website. As opposed to other forum software, you can build and customize the community to your specifications. It is also an easy to use solution and simple to maintain.