iScripts SocialWare

iScripts SocialWare Features


iScripts SocialWare incorporates a large number of features and modules required for the most demanding online social-networking communities. You can enable and disable custom features that make your community unique from the powerful administrative control panel with just one click. This flexibility allows you to customize your community as you envision it, be it professional or social. In addition, you will be able to enable other services that your clients require as your site grows in the future at no extra cost.

Key Features Include:

Responsive UI for front end – Make sure the usability of your site is seamless as easy for all users it reaches across the world

3 New Design Themes – Choose form an array of themes and designs to match your business’ personality, look and feel

Friends listing – All users will have friends lists and the ability to friend other users

Timelines – Similar to Facebook and other top social sites, your users will have the capability to share news and updates regarding their lives and experiences

Newsfeeds with “comment” and “like” options – Friends can interact and engage with other users to encourage emotional reactions, based around maintaining friendships and the need to belong

New Image Gallery - Images can be uploaded and posted to Friends and groups so that special moments are shared, celebrated and enjoyed

Pages – New business pages can be created and incorpoated into marketing strategies and activities

Groups – As an extention of real life, groups can be formed online to further soldify and stress the importance of small groups and bonds

Online Chat - Intstant messages can be sent among users to encourage relationships online and gratification through communication

Admin widget for friends organization and group listings

Facebook and Twitter share buttons and options – Users can share moments on their existing social sites, while at the same time, naturally bringing attention and new users (their friends) to your social networking site

Screen Shots

User Panel

social networking script community portal scripts open source social selling

Admin Panel

social script social software SocialWare

Click on the FAQ image to access the Frequently Asked Questions