iScripts MultiCart Enterprise

System Requirements For iScripts MultiCart Enterprise

Free Installation, VPS and Hosting Support for $50 Per Month.
Never deal with hosting issues again! As a iScripts MultiCart Enterprise customer, you can receive a virtual private server along with full hosting support and management for $50 per month. This also includes free MultiCart Enterprise installation

Server Requirements
  1. iScripts Multicart Enterprise runs on a Linux platform that can support a web server and the PHP language. We recommend CentOS or Redhat Linux with Cpanel control panel with reseller WHM access
  2. Linux server should be CPanel operated.
  3. DNS for the main domain name should be handled by the cPanel server where the product is installed.
  4. Any linux based web server that supports PHP is acceptable. We recommend Apache webserver.
  5. PHP Version 5.6 to 7.0
  6. MySQL 4.1.12 or greater

Other Requirements for Trouble-free Installation/Compatibility

  • SendMail - (Yes).
  • PHP safe mode - (OFF).
  • CURL extension - (Yes).
  • GD complied with your PHP Build - (Yes).
  • DOMXML extension - (Yes).

You should open port 2082, 2083, 2086, 2087 and 3306(In TCP).

* Click the following download icon to get the phpinfo file. Upload it to your server and check whether your server/hosting account meets the requirements. Other option is to send this page to your hosting company and ask them if their servers support these features. We have a list of certified web hosts, if you need one.

Other Requirements

iScripts Multicart Enterprise require a reseller account with Enom for realtime domain registration. You can sign up for a reseller account at We can also offer a reseller account for you FREE of cost