1. How do I create a calendar?
First, register an account with our web site and then log into it. In your home page, there is a link called "calendars." This link will lead you to the page showing all the calendars that belong to you. In this page there is a button called "New Calendar ", which will show a form to create the new calendar.
2. How many calendars can be created?
Unlimited calendars can be created.
3. How are events added to the calendar?
After you log in there is a link called "Events" which will provide an events list view. Here, new event can be created using the "New event Button." In the Entry form, fill out all the entries and save it using the "Ceate New" Button.
4. How many types of events are there?
There are 3 types of events: Event (happening), Appointment and Task.
5. Can comments can be added for the events by a user of the group?
Yes, the users of the group which is associated with the calendar can post comments to the public events of the calendar.
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