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Zazzle Clone

by Aji Abraham

The success of Zazzle.com can be contributed to the benefits of print-on-demand as well as the wide range of tools users can take advantage of to create custom designs and prints. You need to make sure that your site contains the necessary features and functions for you to create your own design and print site. Zazzle clone script will work perfectly for the online business you envision whether it is a niche market or a small budget.

iScripts PrintLogic is a Zazzle clone script that provides many rich features inbuilt into the software. This one stands out because it offers the ability to generate regular images into vector files at high resolution. If a user wants to upload an image from their computer, they can edit it and send it off to print without causing you any hassles in the process. Beyond this time-saving benefit, the design editor also contains a number of impressive design functions and tools. Users can easily add, change, edit text, add images (those you choose to provide on the site or by offering an upload option), as well as design the rear end of the product (if you permit it). After design, users can share their products on social networks with their friends.

Once the Zazzle clone script is installed on your server, it is all yours to edit and customize to your preference. Modify the home page to fit your brand and niche by adding your own copy, help sections as well as the site content. You can either use your own PHP programmer or contact iScripts for a reasonable fixed price quote. If you want to add more pages, custom features or design modifications. You can either use your own PHP programmer or just request a quote from the iScripts programmers to complete the coding for your website.

By using a Zazzle clone, you will be able to dedicate more of your budget to marketing and other business needs for a drastically increased chance or real online business success.

1 comment

Andre September 8, 2019 - 7:55 pm

How much is it to get a zazzle


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