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Online Ordering & The Future of The Restaurant Industry

by Aji Abraham
NetMenus iPhone App

NetMenus iPhone App

In 2014, it is essential for businesses to have some sort of internet marketing effort in order to survive. The restaurant business has always been a great risk for owners, but the internet gives smaller shops and restaurants the ability to have a large voice. Restaurants have the chance to grow their customers and form a presence through the internet.

A large part of an internet marketing push for a restaurant will be ensuring that the customer is able to order their favorite dishes online. In recent trends, people have been using virtual food courts to place orders on sites such as GrubHub, Seamless, & Eat 24 Hours. These virtual food courts may be beneficial to the customer because of the coupon codes and rewards or retention systems that are in place; however, the benefits for the restaurant are outweighed by the negatives.

People have been resorting to these virtual food courts because of the ease and convenience of ordering online rather than phoning into the restaurant itself. Ordering through these large sites can actually cause much more damage to a restaurant that is already struggling. GrubHub charges 13-15% of the customer’s order and can eat into the profits, especially if a restaurant sells $5-7 sandwiches. The worst part of the deal is that the costs associated remain the same even if it is a repeat customer looking for your restaurant.

Image from Pinoy Social

Image from Pinoy Social

Now if you are a restaurant owner, you may feel stuck and not be sure what your options around these high fees for virtual food courts. This is why it is crucial to set up your own independent online ordering. If you accept orders for takeout or delivery through your phone or fax system, then you should have online ordering in place. It is equally as easy and beneficial.

Netmenus is the most optimal system to setup online ordering through a restaurant’s website. It is fully customizable and can even process payments. If you do not have a website or are planning to develop a site in the future for your restaurant, that is okay because you can still use the Netmenus brandable iPhone app. By owning a branded mobile app, the credibility of your restaurant will improve, big time!

If you would like to learn more about Netmenus, click here. Or click here to purchase the restaurant iPhone app.

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