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How an On Demand Service Platform Help You Set Up a Professional Service Website

by Milan Mathew

Innovations in web and mobile technologies have revolutionized processes across multiple business sectors. The Service sector has quickly become more efficient and popular with the advent of various new methods of demand gathering and coordination strategies. Augmentation of high-end technologies that enable real-time transactions between consumers and service providers across various platforms have significantly nurtured the growth of on-demand services. Just like how e-commerce and various internet applications took the limelight in previous times, on-demand services provide the right reasons for people to explore unique online experiences.

Distinctive new lifestyles are beginning to take shape within the coordination economy. This increasing demand is utilized as an open door for investors and industry tycoons to move their focus to on-demand business. It would never be an exaggeration to guarantee that the on-demand economy may prompt more and more startups.  On-demand services cater and take into account the tremendous range of client needs.

The upsides of on-demand services are:

  • Very much user-friendly
  • Less expensive
  • A better service delivery and scalability method
  • Productive
  • Satisfies the customer

Enterprises dealing with on-demand economies where products or services are provided at the touch of a button are referred to as Uber for X. ‘X’ corresponds to everything. This is so true that services of any number or kind can be marketed on the on-demand service platform. Finding the niche and target is what’s required. An on-demand service business is a great platform for many aspiring entrepreneurs because of the wide variety of options it offers.

Considering investing in this economy? The options are heavy but whatever may be the line of service(s) you are providing, the platform you build it on is what you should look out for. Having a seamless link between the customer and service provider through your platform should be your prime focus. A reliable platform that does the following is quintessential:

  1. Provide wide options for single service.
  2. Easy booking/demanding methods.
  3. Ensuring excellent delivery of services and logging.
  4. Rich and hassle-free experience for both the customers and providers.
  5. Systematic tracking, updating, and quality assuring options for the owner.

How would you ensure the above points are met for your on-demand service? You must be thinking of an internet-based system having web and mobile apps that work in conjunction to achieve the above. The internet is the best (even only) answer since when it comes to assessing its impact on retail. You just can’t deny how technology has streamlined various business processes. You don’t have to look around for a platform any further. Are you ready to get started? Just check out iScripts UberforX, the on-demand service platform from iScripts which gives you everything you are looking for in an online platform for your service business. It is a combination of web and mobile apps that help you set up and run any Uber-like service for medical, health, automobile, food, maid, taxis and more.

The feature-rich User site allows booking of services with the ease of choosing the time and staff of their choice from a wide variety of service providers at various geographical locations, all under the same platform. The service providers/vendors/business owners are incorporated into the system through a special window to view and manage their part in the system. The Powerful Admin panel that accesses and looks after all the transactions and parts of the system is the backbone of the platform. Each and every section mentioned can be viewed from the online demo here.

You can check out the features of this premium product here.


Try it out for yourself right now See the Live DEMO Here
For more information or questions related to how you can take advantage of the platform, contact us at (312) 423-6728.

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