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How to create a social networking website

by Kathy Hill

If you are looking to create a social networking website, either for you or your employer you have noticed there are number of options. Even if you had created websites or online businesses in the past you might have noticed creating social networking sites are challenging. We have polled a number of people contacted us for creating their social networking sites, why they have not finished anything yet. Some of these people had some really killer ideas. But they still fail to create a social networking websites. One thing we realized from their responses was that you get overwhelmed with information and the tasks.

We developed the social networking script 3-4 years back and helped number of social networks to go online. So we have created a small email course How to create a social networking website . It’s a free email course, anybody who wants to create and grow their social networking site can join. We have helped thousands of our customers to create and grow their rock solid communities. We put our lessons learned from those experiences to your use.

So if you want to create and grow your own social networking website, this is for you.

1 comment

free social networking March 13, 2010 - 3:12 pm

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