I have always been fascinated by online dating and thought it must really take a bold person to really put themselves out there, but in all reality, finding that special someone in 2014 isn’t easy. It was reported by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2012 that there were 103 million unmarried or single people in the U.S. This is quite a large dating pool to choose from, but what if you are never able to find your soul mate because there are just too many ‘fish in the sea’ out there? eHarmony funded a study and found that in the U.S., 1/3 of married couples met online. Times are changing. We are in a world where people don’t put their iPhones down at the dinner table and are constantly surfing the web. It is a new age where the computer can connect you to anyone anywhere in the world and to be able to find a companion with similar hobbies, likes, or dislikes doesn’t seem so outrageous anymore. This is why among single Americans who are actively seeking a relationship, the number of online daters is as great as 4 out of 10.
We are seeing a rise in niche dating sites and apps such as Grindr, Brony Mate, Veggie Date, Sugar Daddie, & 6 Figures Dating. Single men and women are now initiating their first line of contact through the internet as opposed to blind dates at coffee shops. As times are changing and technology continues to grow at an exponential pace, the market has adapted accordingly.
People are now dating on the go and resorting to apps. The fact of the matter is people want love, but they are still not willing to compromise a successful career or busy schedule. The stakes are far too high. Specialized dating apps are perfect for the man or woman who are in search of the perfect partner with similar hobbies, religion, or values. There are so many niche dating sites arising and there is something for everyone!
Successfully building an online presence or community of people can be a very powerful and lucrative tool. From a business standpoint, if one is a able to find a niche category that a large population seeks in their ideal partner, then the online dating/match making industry is a great field to be in. The overhead costs are minimal and the returns seem infinite. Online dating is now a $2 billion industry. In a recent study by Subscription Site Insider based on paid membership and dating site marketing, on average, online niche dating sites were receiving twice the conversion rates. The standard conversion rate for the industry is 1-7%; however, we are now seeing 8% or even higher with niche matchmaking sites.
With our program, Cybermatch, one is able to set up a complete dating site full of features and an iphone app. The software can be used for free or paid services and the script allows you to control banners, users, plans, content, and more. This means Cybermatch is fully customizable. The success of the site or app will depend on your ability to discover a niche, determining whether the site will be free or have paid subscriptions, and your ability to grow the site.