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Common Website Mistakes to Avoid

by Sheri Levitt

don’t let business fall short by overlooking

Does your website express your business the way it should? How will your site compare to your competitors? Regardless of the type of business or website you own, here are some basics you should be aware of. You may be starting the business of your dreams, but don’t let it fall short by overlooking these all-too-common website mistakes.

Annoying Navigation

Nothing is more frustrating than attracting your audience to a website and then not supplying them with the information they are looking for. Your navigation should be organized using common sense. Don’t try to be too cute or flashy here; your visitors will appreciate a user-friendly navigation bar.

Weak Landing Page

Grab attention, but don’t flood your visitors with an overwhelming amount of information. Instead of giving all the details or explaining every aspect of your business, you should focus on 3 big benefits your product or service can deliver.

A visually appealing landing page might not make a massive difference, but it will stand out enough to make traffic stick a bit longer. While you shouldn’t overload your visitors, it is a good idea to display multiple categories on the landing page in order to ensure visitors can locate all the information they may be searching for.

Slow Website Speed

If your site is taking a great deal of time to load, your traffic will not wait around for you to fix the issues. You need to investigate and find the source of the problem and fix it immediately. There’s a good chance you signed up with a hosting provider offering low-quality services. It’s also possible that the design of your site is overloaded with elements. The sooner you figure out the cause, the better it will be for your business. (Avoid this issue altogether by using our hosted solution found at iScriptsCloud.com – FREE TRIALS are available.)

Salesy Tone

You need to hook your audience without sounding pushy. Sure, everyone needs to know why your business or service is worth a look, but the average modern-day consumer can see a sales pitch coming. Be sure to sound conversational and relate to your audience in order to establish trust. If this is a skill you do not possess, you may want to consider a content writer.

While you may want to try new approaches in order to stand out and be unique, it is important to remember one of the main goals – keeping your traffic and enticing users to explore your site. We keep these points in mind when developing our affordable software packages. Whether it be a shopping cart, social network, dating site or online food court, our solutions encompass the best practices.

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