An open source php business directory script is software that is installed on your own server or server space you have through hosting services such as GoDaddy, BlueHost and Hostgator. These scripts offer you a ready made website already equipped with powerful built-in features. This way, you can instantly create a stable and reliable regional or vertical business directory, or an industry or location-specific classifieds site like Craigslist. With these scripts, all you need is a domain and hosting account to start your own business directory site.
A quality php business directory software can give you built-in features that offer you the ability to create a wide range of sites such as a Regional Business Portal, Industry-Specific B2B Portal, Professional Yellow Pages Directory, Real Estate Directory or a Classified Ads System.
Some features of good business directories include:
- Good business directories are manually approved
- They will good Google page rank and search rankings
- Directories will have proper internal link structure
- The directory will be user-friendly
- They have user guidelines and terms of use
Why do businesses post on online Business Directories?
More exposure
With the prevalence of technology, the world has become more connected than ever before. Today, individuals have the ability to access information from any location in the world with the use of devices such as computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. As a result, listing a business in an online directory represents an opportunity to increase global exposure and reach a wider audience.
This approach can be particularly beneficial for businesses as it allows potential customers to easily access their website through popular directory software and to make queries or, in an ideal scenario, make purchases. As a business’ online presence grows, it becomes more visible and successful, which can be achieved through professional directory listings in a short period of time and at a lower cost.
Reduce advertisement costs by up to 90%
Starting an online business requires various investments at different stages of the process. In the beginning, these costs may be significant and sales may be low, resulting in limited profits. To increase sales, a traditional approach would be to invest in advertising through newspapers, television, magazines, etc. However, this method can be costly and may not yield the desired results.
An alternative and cost-effective solution is to place advertisements in online directories or classifieds. Many of these listings are either free or offered at very low rates. To maximize the effectiveness of this approach, it is recommended to seek out professional directories which tend to be more efficient than traditional advertising. By utilizing these free business directories, it is possible to save on advertising costs and redirect those funds towards other areas of the business.
More people are online than ever before!
The pace of change in the world is increasing, and newer generations need more efficient ways to accomplish their tasks. In the past, individuals relied heavily on newspapers and magazines to access information, which was often time-consuming and not always the most effective method. Now, the internet and business directory websites are the primary sources of information for most people, as it is faster to search for information online and these websites often include reliable information. As a result, listing your business in these directories can increase the chances of receiving prompt responses from potential customers.
Business Directory Script – iScripts EasyIndex
Open source software and PHP scripts are available to you for the purpose of easily developing powerful websites. Among the best available is iScripts EasyIndex. This feature-packed business directory software package helps you design, develop and host your own website with little time and budget.
The business listing script iScripts EasyIndex come equipped with a multitude of professional features such as support for Google AdSense, Facebook and Twitter plugins, a built-in classifieds ads system, free or paid listings, design templates, user rating systems, SEO optimized pages, optional user forums and an intuitive admin panel that includes completely automated operations.
Some of the benefits of using iScripts EasyIndex for creating your business directory include:
- Improve local visibility
- Improve business reputation
- Cost-effective
- Low maintenance
- Increase website traffic
- Increase brand awareness
- Rapid growth in marketing
- Direct advertising exposure
- Business Networking platform
- Targeted lead generation
A one-time purchase of this script includes all the central components of a business directory site plus more. Add businesses, products, services (according to the type of site you would like to build) along with customizable banners and logos. Easily run your business directory or classifieds site while having complete control of users, listings, payments and reports. You can integrate iScripts EasyIndex Script into an existing site or create a standalone full-featured Business Directory Business of your own.