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Build a Profitable Web Hosting Business

by Milan Mathew

Take all online businesses, all types of websites in world, and think of what they all have in common. Now think of successful selling giants and big name online businesses. They all have one thing in common- web hosting.  In order to exist, all sites need reliable web hosting services. There’s a tremendous need for web hosting services right now. If you’re ready to explore this business model, you can surely generate more revenue by creating your own web hosting business.


What is Reseller Hosting?

Reseller hosting could also be termed as “web hosting reseller hosting plan.” These are hosting plans that gives access to administrative functions in a web hosting account to create accounts. You can sell these accounts to your customers. In a reseller hosting, reseller accounts are subdivided  into end user accounts, create some web hosting packages for customers, billing the customer and provide 24/7 web hosting support services.
You don’t need to have your own servers, rent data center space or manage pesky hardware though. Just keep the hassle to a minimum and focus on customer- centered tasks and earn money in the process!

Reseller Hosting- Benefits:

  • Ongoing Revenue from your customers as they always need web hosting. This subscription model give you a constant revenue stream as customers must keep you paying you monthly for hosting charges
  • Large number of potential customers There are plenty of students, individuals and businesses looking to gorw online
  • Easy to differentiate market and find less competition in various areas
  • Customized hosting and exclusive plans to customers needs rather in a shared hosting

Reseller Hosting- Responsibilities:

  • Marketing & Sales to find new potential customers and sell the web hosting services
  • Billing your customers on monthly basis which is the most important part of maintaining the business
  • Client Support 24/7. You must provide reliable support for your customers and ensure their needs are listened to and adressed in a timely fashion
  • Ongoing Fees for your reseller account

How Will You Manage a Web Hosting Business?

By watching these wonderful opportunities for revenue generation, a web hosting business would search for an easy way to manage the business and software that will allow admins and site owners to add various plans, complete billing and provide customer support – ideally on a single platform.

This a value of hundreds of dollars, all included within this one-time purchase. Keeping in mind all the features, functions and ease-of-use, this software is an all-inclusive solution and a much-needed software for those looking to get a web hosting business up and running with as little hassle as possible. No need to connect the dots, call multiple companies or conduct multiple searches. iScripts AutoHoster is a complete solution.

iScripts AutoHoster is an all-inclusive Web Hosting Management System designed specifically for resellers, web hosting, and web design businesses, iScripts AutoHoster includes the necessary functionalities required to run an efficient and professional hosting business similar to GoDaddy or Hostgator. The hosting management software includes a range of impressive features, making it the only comprehensive online web hosting software available today!

iScripts AutoHoster: Complete Hosting Management Software


For more information or questions related to how you can take advantage of the platform, contact us at (312) 423-6728 or email to sales@iscripts.com to speak directly to our customer service reps and project managers. Want to take your site even further? Tell us your thoughts and budget restraints and we will develop solutions for you to choose from. 

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